Speciality Clinics - 2024

Clinic Descriptions

Clinic Name Clinic Description
PASSING CLINIC Enhance your passing skills with a deep dive into various techniques. Learn to move the puck effectively and catch every pass. We'll focus on different types of passes, presenting to receive passes, and the critical skill of receiving and making passes while on the move.
CHECKING CLINIC Get to know the fundamentals of body contact and checking. Learn how to properly give and receive a body check and utilize your body and contact to protect the puck and win battles. Learn how to apply the awareness and skills in game situations.
EDGE BOSS CLINIC Become the "Edge Boss" by mastering skills like weight transfer, deception, and escapes. Learn how to outmaneuver defenders with ease and finesse in a setting that allows players to work through, around, and over edge boss training obstacles.
DEFENSE CLINIC These sessions will focus on defensive skills, emphasizing skating, stick position, body positioning, matching speed, and winning one-on-one battles. Improve your defensive game and become a stronger asset to your team.
SHOOTING CLINIC Explore the world of shooting with a focus on various shot types, including the toe drag release. Be prepared to shoot at any moment, ensuring your shots are fast and accurate. Puck placement, weight transfer, and hand positioning will be the keys to developing a strong and accurate shot.
SCORING CLINIC Sharpen your goal-scoring skills in this session. Learn how to snipe, aiming for the top corners and bar-down shots. Discover the best opportunities to score, catch the goalie off guard, and light the lamp with confidence.

Clinic Dates

Year-Month Clinic Offered Dates - Times
2024-07 PASSING CLINIC -July 13 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM West Rink, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
-July 13 (SAT) 4:15PM-5:15PM East Rink
-July 14 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM East Rink
2024-07 SHOOTING CLINIC - July 20 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
- July 20 (SAT) 4:15PM-5:15PM
- July 21 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM
2024-07 EDGE BOSS CLINIC - July 27 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
- July 27 (SAT) 4:15PM-5:15PM
- July 28 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM
2024-08 SCORING CLINIC - August 3 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
- August 3 (SAT) 4:15PM-5:15PM
- August 4 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM
2024-08 CHECKING CLINIC - August 10 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
- August 10 (SAT)  4:15PM-5:15PM
- August 11 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM
2024-08 COMPETE CLINIC - August 17 (SAT) 2:00PM-3:00PM, 2:15PM-3:45PM off ice training
- August 17 (SAT) 4:15PM-5:15PM
- August 18 (SUN) 11:45AM-12:45AM


To Register

Visit monumentice.ezfacility.com/Package

Purchase Youth Hockey Skills Clinic Session package of your choice (1, 3, 10 punches available) - Create an account in your skater's name if they don't have an account already

Go to Book Sessions, click on session and add skater to that session (each session is 1 punch)

Price of Skills Clinic Sessions - 1 Punch = $40, 3 Punches = $110, 10 Punches = $330

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